BEL Sýry Česko a.s.

Pražská 218, 675 26 Želetava
Česká republika

IČ: 60714603
DIČ: CZ60714603

The company was registered under File No. B 1375 on 1 January 1995 at the Regional Court in Brno.

Plant Želetava

Pražská 218, 675 26 Želetava
Česká republika

Business unit Prague

Thámova 32, 186 00 Praha 8
Česká republika

Do you have any questions, ideas or suggestions?

Write to us.

If you need answers to your questions about BEL, our products or current social issues related to our products, please fill in the form.

Thank you in advance for your queries.

    Whistleblowing – Systém upozorňování postavený na důvěrnosti a nestrannosti posuzování každého oznámení